====================================================================================================================== CHANGE LOG ====================================================================================================================== Version 10.50: * Removed the Java uploader, because most browsers don't support Java applets anymore. Version 10.49: * Added small patch for PHP 7.2. * Changed default upload engine to JS. Version 10.48: * Fixed FLV/SWF player. * Use SWF player as fallback for HTML5 player. * Use proper content type header for JSON content. Version 10.47: * Updated FileDrop. * Updated JUpload. * Minor optimization for compatibility with PHP 7. Version 10.46: * Fixed URL to Google Document Viewer and put it into the config file. * Some minor optimizations. Version 10.45: * Minor optimization for compatibility with PHP 7. * Fixed captions in detailed view. Version 10.44: * Optimized viewing/editing of text files by trying to detect the original file encoding. * View detected file encoding in document viewer and text editor. * Various minor optimizations. Version 10.43: * Fixed viewing/editing of text files. Version 10.42: * Fixed encoding/decoding of file paths. * Added empty value to "select all" checkbox. * Bugfix: If only certain file extensions are allowed, show deleted files with these extensions, too. Version 10.41: * Prevent PHP notice when downloading file with unknown MIME type. * Removed duplicate MIME type for .mif files. Version 10.40: * Added support for custom date-time format in listing entries. * Added some MIME types. * Minor optimizations. Version 10.39: * Fixed FileManager height when resizing automatically. * Don't resize if keyboard of mobile devices is active on login screen. Version 10.38: * Added "select all" checkbox in root directory. * If FileManager size is set to % (e.g. "100%"), calculate it from the parent element if it has a fixed size; if not, calculate it from the window size (the old behavior). Version 10.37: * Removed tmp folder from filemanager directory for security reasons. * Added tmp directory path to the debug info. * Fixed mouse cursor in title bar. Version 10.36: * Fixed directory tree cache. * Added debug info that indicates if the directory tree has been initially loaded from cache. * Fixed corrupted non-ASCII characters in debug info. Version 10.35: * View error message if web path is invalid. * Fixed scrollTop issue that occurred in latest Chrome browser. Version 10.34: * Bugfix for renaming files/directories containing special characters. Version 10.33: * View PDF documents even if Google document viewer is not available; requires Adobe Reader, though. * Removed useless timezone setting. This should be set in your php.ini file. * Added decimal to usage/quota info. * Fixed JavaScript error when directory tree is disabled. * Minor optimizations. Version 10.32: * Added quota support. * Added extension log to the list of editable text files. * Added timezone setting. * Added usage info in directory tree. * Fixed JSON error when directory creation failed. * Minor optimizations. Version 10.31: * Fixed infinite loading loop when a directory contains only hidden files. Version 10.30: * Do not deactivate right-click context menu on touchscreen devices. Version 10.29: * Minor bugfix. Version 10.28: * Updated JavaScript uploader (FileDrop). Version 10.27: * Added fix for right-click context menu (didn't work anymore in new Chrome version). * Fixed context menu position. Version 10.26: * Fixed column width in detailed view. Version 10.25 * Optimized ID3 tag fetching. * Fixed directory tree reloading. Version 10.24 * Added possibility to toggle media player mode between HTML5 and Flash. Version 10.23 * Replaced OOS FlvPlayer with FLV player from www.webestools.com. * Minor optimizations. Version 10.22 * For jQuery users: Replaced JavaScript function $ with $$. * Optimized media player. * Added config variable forceFlash for media player. Version 10.21 * Play MP4 videos with HTML5 video element if possible. * Do not reload after resize. Version 10.20 * Added config variable fmCaption. * Added number of files in title bar. Version 10.19 * Added fix for avoiding PHP strict notices on some systems. Version 10.18 * FileManager will try to create its tmp directory by itself now. * Renamed config variable startDir to rootDir. * Added config variable defaultDir. * Highlight currently selected folder in directory tree. Version 10.17 * Bugfix for video player. * Added warning message if tmp directory is not writable. Version 10.16 * Added fix for browser context menu in Chrome. Version 10.15 * Fixed icons for files with uppercase extension. Version 10.14 * Perl uploader: Fixed upload progress window. * Directory tree: Don't show total number of files if not all file types are visible. * Minor bugfix. Version 10.13 * Fixed missing title bar icons in IE. Version 10.12 * Fixed directory tree: Handle allowed and hidden directories properly. Version 10.11 * Added some error messages if certain AJAX requests fail. Version 10.10 * Added fix for AUTH_USER in session save path. * Use TXT icon as default icon for ASCII files. * Updated SoundManager. * Media player: View ID3 tags via SoundManager. Version 10.9 * Fix for Java uploader: Create folders correctly when uploading multiple directories. Version 10.8 * Fix for Java uploader: Only replace spaces with underscores in directory names if $replSpacesUpload is set. * Added possibility to modify e-mail subject line for upload and download info. * Added possibility to set a custom JavaScript function that will be called when a file is clicked. Version 10.7 * Always replace spaces with underscores in file and directory names if $replSpacesUpload is set. * Always convert file and directory names to lowercase if $lowerCaseUpload is set. Version 10.6 * Keep sub folder structure when using the Java upload engine. * In sub folders, all entries can be selected at once now. * Bugfix: Don't view context menu when clicking on a checkbox. * Bugfix: View correct context menu after returning to a parent directory. Version 10.5 * Fixed mail on upload feature. Version 10.4 * Bugfix: Check if $id is not empty in FM_Event::_refresh method. * Bugfix: Only reload directory tree if needed. Version 10.3 * Minor bugfix: Removed $this in static method FileManager::error. * Added workaround for session garbage collection on Debian systems. * Bugfix: Don't view context menu when left-clicking on "..". Version 10.2 * Added icons for global actions to title bar. * View context menu when clicking on FileManager container (if right-click is disabled). * Fixed "empty" file selector fields in Chrome browser. Version 10.1 * Bugfix: View directory tree when moving/copying files. * Optimized directory tree update. * Optimized smart refresh. Version 10.0 * Code refactoring for PHP 5. * Added JavaScript uploader (FileDrop). * Added audio player with ID3 tag support. * Added HTML5 video support with Flash fallback. * Added recursive directory deletion. * Added support for directory restoring. * Added smart refresh. * New icons. * Lots of improvements under the hood. Version 9.12 * Bugfix: Update list view icon in title bar when switching list view. Version 9.11 * Bugfix: Resize FileManager properly when directory tree has fixed width. Version 9.10 * Resize FileManager, too if browser window is resized. * Several bugfixes. Version 9.9 * Added possibility to set width and height by percentage. * Added possibility to hide the title bar. Note that some functions won't be available then. Version 9.8 * Text editor opens in new "window" now (like document viewer). Version 9.7 * Added possibility to disable file cache. * Bugfix: Files were not removed properly from cache in FTP mode. Version 9.6 * Added support for bulk moving of files and directories. Version 9.5 * Added support for touchscreen devices. * Updated SoundManager. Version 9.4 * Added fixed table header in detailed view. In IE 7 standard mode it doesn't view properly, but in quirks mode it views ok. No problems with IE 8 and 9, though. Version 9.3 * Important bugfix: Bulk delete caused JavaScript error. Version 9.2 * Added support for zipped bulk download of files and directories. * Bugfix: Set session save path if PHP_AUTH_USER is set. * Optimized download mail notification. Version 9.1 * Important bugfix: Some dialogs caused a JavaScript error because of a PHP warning inside the JSON string. Version 9.0 * Important bugfix: Upload via Perl didn't work if temporary directory was not the default directory. * Bugfix: View filename in error message if upload fails. * Bugfix: Renamed icon "exe.gif" to "program.gif". * Added support for right-click context menu - does not work with Opera, though. * Lots of improvements under the hood. Version 8.34 * Important bugfix: Cleaning of temporary directory didn't work if it was not the default directory. * Added FTP username to cached files to make them unique. * Bugfix: In FTP mode, the start directory was not set correctly when it was passed as argument to the FileManager constructor and the FTP host has not been set in the config file. Version 8.33 * Updated Java uploader. Version 8.32 * Path to temporary directory and log directory can be changed now. * Added optional prefix for log file names. Version 8.31 * Added Google Docs Viewer support for several file types. Version 8.30 * Fixed cache bug when moving or copying files. Version 8.29 * Minor code optimization. Version 8.28 * Added further security patches. Version 8.27 * Added security patch for Java uploader. Version 8.26 * Added patch for IE 9 in code editor. Version 8.25 * Added possibility to modify prefix for containers, session and cookie variables. * Fixed viewing and editing of text files if encoding is set to UTF-8. Version 8.24 * Optimized image preview. Version 8.23 * Fixed code editor look. Version 8.22 * Added support for image rotation. Note: don't rotate an image too often, because there will be a quality loss! * Updated Java uploader. Version 8.21 * Added syntax hilighting for SQL files. Version 8.20 * Optimized screen layout. * Added syntax hilighting for XML files. Version 8.19 * Added syntax hilighting for Perl scripts. * Did some JavaScript code refactoring. * Fixed text editor reset bug. Version 8.18 * Added the following file extensions to the list of editable text files: xml, xsl, xslt, xsd, xul, dtd, wsdl, rdf. * Fixed text editor size. * Removed rounded corners - they didn't work on several browsers (incl. IE), it was a pain in the ass to make them look good, and they messed up some content. Version 8.17 * Optimized code viewer. * Added FTPS support (requires PHP 4.3.0 or higher with OpenSSL). * Optimized directory listing cache. Version 8.16 * Added code viewer. * Some code optimizations. Version 8.15 * Fixed typo in template.inc.php. * Added @ to date() and strtotime() functions in order to surpress warnings of PHP 5.3+ occurring when timezone is not set in php.ini file. * Bugfix: Variable startSubDirs is working again. * Omit "hidden" directories when performing search. * Fixed viewing of documents in search results. * Minor optimizations. Version 8.14 * Important bugfix: Set HTTP content type header to text/html again because of problems with file uploads. * Thumbnails are cached now. * Optimized cache. * File upload: If file backups are disabled, files will now be overwritten in local mode, too. * Fixed default file and directory permissions setting. * Fixed wrong modification date in FTP mode (UNIX). Version 8.13 * Several important bugfixes and optimizations - if you have version 8.10 or higher, you should make an update. Version 8.12 * Bugfix: Do not cache search results. * Album covers of MP3 files can be enlarged now (if ID3 tags are enabled). Version 8.11 * Optimized cache. Version 8.10 * Cache directory listings. Version 8.9 * Added HTTP header that prevents robots from indexing. * Set HTTP content type header to text/json. * Optimized FileManager integration. * Minor code optimizations. Version 8.8 * Added memory limit setting. Version 8.7 * Optimized image preview. Version 8.6 * Renamed menu item "View document" to "View". * Optimized dialog position on screen. * Minor code optimizations. Version 8.5 * Added icon for PowerPoint documents. * It's possible to view text files now. Version 8.4 * Added support for Google document viewer. Version 8.3 * Bugfix: Added workaround to prevent JavaScript error in IE 8. Version 8.2 * Added possibility to set multiple passwords and start directories. * Minor fixes for older PHP versions. Version 8.1 * Bugfix: Removed redundant comma in function fmLib.playSound that caused JavaScript error in IE 8 on Windows 7. Version 8.0 * JavaScript code refactoring. * Modified configuration file syntax. * Added "remember password" feature. * Added rounded corners and dialog box shadows - not supported by some browsers, though. * Added possibility to disable file/directory search. * Several minor improvements under the hood. Version 7.30 * Fixed sorting. Version 7.29 * Fixed icon view. Version 7.28 * Bugfix: Keep directories together when sorting first column. * Fixed early filename cut-off in name column. * Added no-wrap for title row. Version 7.27 * Sort list and switch list view without XHR. * Code refactoring. Version 7.26 * Use FTP asynchronous mode (non-blocking) for file download - requires PHP 4.3.0 or higher. * Media player can be used now regardless if file download is enabled or not. Version 7.25 * Code optimization: Added classes FileBase and FileMp3. Version 7.24 * Added possibility to disable image preview. * For MP3 files, use embedded image as preview image if available. Version 7.23 * Added ID3 tag reader for MP3 files. Please note that if you use this feature in FTP mode, the MP3 files will have to be copied to the local file system first - this may take some time. Version 7.22 * Added upload/download hooks. Version 7.21 * Don't send download info mail when media player views a video. * Change dialog opacity when dragging. Version 7.20 * Fixed directory tree. Version 7.19 * Bugfix: Deletion of multiple files works again. * Added expand/contract icons to directory tree. * Minor code optimization. Version 7.18 * Media player supports MP4 and FLV videos now. Version 7.17 * Media player supports SWF files now. * Set the MIME type depending on the file extension when sending a file. Version 7.16 * Added media player. Version 7.15 * Fixed FTP root directory error ("Could not read directory /"). Version 7.14 * Optimized switching of listing view. * Keep sort order when switching listing view. Version 7.13 * New and modified files and folders will be marked now, but just for one day. * Minor optimization. Version 7.12 * Added possibility to save log messages. Version 7.11 * Added possibility to expand and contract directory tree folders. * Directory tree will only be loaded if folders have been added, renamed, moved or deleted. Version 7.10 * Added support for sharpening of thumbnails and resized images. * Changed Java uploader style. Version 7.9 * Added configuration variables authUser and authPassword. Version 7.8 * Added Java uploader. Version 7.7 * Optimized upload progress bar. * Optimized thumbnail creation. * Added support for automatic image resizing. * Optimized cleaning of temporary directories. * Added image dimensions to file details. * Fixed viewing of file path in file details. Version 7.6 * Optimized Perl uploader. * Speeded up directory tree creation. Version 7.5 * Modified download headers for IE 7. * Use separate cache and upload directories for each user. Version 7.4 * Optimized Perl uploader. * Added possibility to move files and directories. * Added possibility to copy files. * Added root directory to directory tree. Version 7.3 * Optimized Perl uploader. Version 7.2 * Added Perl uploader. * Made some minor improvements. Version 7.1 * Renamed folder "icons" because of stupid Apache default setting. Version 7.0 * JSON is used now to reduce XHR traffic. * Added possibility to hide specific list columns. * Added possibility to delete files from the "recycle bin". * Made some other minor improvements. Version 6.10 * Added support for file restoring. Version 6.9 * Files can be saved from URLs now. Version 6.8 * Bugfix: File upload is possible again when log window is disabled. * Added possibility to hide arbitrary directories. * Modified log window. * Added icons for video and audio files. * Added memory usage to debug window. Version 6.7 * Download of very large files should be possible now. Version 6.6 * Added separate class for events. * Fixed setting of default permissions. Version 6.5 * Added support for e-mail notification after file downloads. * Fixed viewing for IE 6 (hopefully). Hey, why don't you use a modern browser? ;-) Version 6.4 * Minor bugfix. Version 6.3 * Added possibility to allow only files with certain extensions. * Added support for e-mail notification after file uploads. Version 6.2 * Optimized UTF-8 support. Version 6.1 * Bugfix: Open empty directories in FTP mode. Version 6.0 * Added action menu. * Added column "permissions" to detailed view. * Added code editor with realtime syntax hilighting. * Added directory tree. * Added configuration setting for fixed height. * Added full UTF-8 support. Version 5.23 * In FTP mode, FileManager works with an empty start directory now (instead of a dot). Version 5.22 * FTP start directory name can contain dots now. Version 5.21 * Bugfix: Multiple instances of the FileManager class will work again. Version 5.20 * Added possibility to set locale. Version 5.19 * Added possibility to hide disabled icons. Version 5.18 * Optimized encoding handling. * You can choose now which folders should be visible within the start directory. Version 5.17 * Added possibility to set encoding (character set). * Fixed text file editor - non-ASCII characters should be saved correctly now. * Language files are no PHP files anymore. Version 5.16 * SECURITY PATCH: Switch to start directory if opening of a directory fails. * Fixed cookie handling. * Added possibility to view file path in file details. * Added file type icon in file details. * Added symbolic link target in file details. Only for local file system. * Added possibility to choose action when clicking on filename (get file or view file info). * Switched to UTF-8. * Optimized parsing of last modification date in FTP mode. Version 5.15 * By popular request, a click on the file name opens the file (or directory) now instead of viewing the file information box. To view the file information box, click on the new icon. Version 5.14 * Fixed viewing of file type icons. * Set error reporting to E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE (this is the PHP default value). * Moved time limit setting to FileManager class. * Added output buffering for better integration into other projects. Version 5.13 * Fixed image preview in FTP mode (again). * Added new class "Tools" as container for general functions. * Added possibility to view debug infos. Version 5.12 * Fixed listing view for Windows FTP servers. * Added length limit for file names in details view. Version 5.11 * Added possibility to start FileManager with a search result. * Keep search results when switching listing view. Version 5.10 * Bugfix: Files saved with the editor don't have plus signs replaced with blanks anymore. * Added possiblity to delete several files at once. Version 5.9 * SECURITY PATCH: Prevent access to directory levels above start directory. This bug was caused by an incorrect bracket. Version 5.8 * Bugfix: Removed false error message (only PHP 4) when changing permissions in FTP mode. * Added workaround for listing of directories with spaces in FTP mode - some FTP servers seem to need this. Version 5.7 * Added configuration variable hideSystemType. Version 5.6 * Bugfix: Set default permissions correctly. Version 5.5 * Added possibility to hide files with arbitrary extensions. Version 5.4 * Added log message for failed file uploads. Version 5.3 * Password protection works with multiple instances now. * Optimized "icons" view. * Optimized file upload. Version 5.2 * Added support for backups. * Added support for password protection (login). Version 5.1 * Some code optimization. Version 5.0 * New object-oriented code, but still compatible with PHP 4. * FileManager uses AJAX now. * Added log message window. * Added cache for images when in FTP mode. Version 4.11 * Added port number and passive mode to FTP settings. * Fixed image preview in FTP mode. Version 4.10 * Bugfix: Use FTP command CHMOD (for PHP 4) with octal number. Note: This only works if your FTP server accepts CHMOD via SITE command. Version 4.9 * Security patch: Prevent malicious editing of text files. Version 4.8 * Optimized automatic fmWebPath setting. Version 4.7 * Added support for messages containing apostrophes (language files). * The variable fmWebPath (configuration) is not required anymore. Version 4.6 * Removed dot entry (current directory) in FTP listings. * Added support for multiple FileManager "instances". Version 4.5 * Added support for file and directory names including apostrophes. NOTE: When uploading a file with an apostrophe in its name, some PHP versions seem to cut anything before the apostrophe including the apostrophe itself. Example: "Peter's Song.mp3" will become "s Song.mp3". This is a PHP bug, not a restriction of this software. Version 4.4 * Added support for multiple directory creation (directory names separated by slashes). Version 4.3 * Added uniqe ID to thumbnail path to prevent browser caching. Version 4.2 * Directories in search results can be opened now. * File search bugfix. Version 4.1 * Added file search. * The current directory is cached now, so sorting is possible without further directory access. * Added refresh button. Version 4.0 * Removed error message when reloading page after opening a sub-directory. * Disabled upload, download, renaming, removing, and permission changing of hidden system files. * Changed size display of small files (less than 1 KB) from KB to B. * Added file extension "ini" to the list of editable text files. * Added possibility to switch between "details" and "icons" view. Version 3.3 * Added support for files and directories named "0".